Creating a client config for routing all traffic "via VPN"
In a temporary directory:
wg genkey | tee private.key
cat private.key | wg pubkey | tee public.key
Then, make a config file e.g. wireguard_config.conf
PrivateKey = [private key just generated]
Address = (an IP on the subnet of the server's wireguard interface)
PublicKey = [server public key]
AllowedIPs = (all traffic to be routed through this tunnel)
Endpoint = [server public IP address:port]
You then need to add the client as authorized to connect to the server. On the server, run:
wg set wg1 peer [public key just generated] allowed-ips
with whatever IP was chosen in the config file for the client above.
To add the config to something like a smartphone, you can qrencode it via:
qrencode -t ansiutf8 < wireguard_config.conf